al7mdolela,the biggest wishes i want it is comes true.I'm thankful God 7mdolela.
so,busy these days,i tell you the secret next time inshalla when i have enough to write.
the lesson from this..don't give up,sometimes things come to you in the last hope and faith you have..keep running to achieve your goals..don't surrender.
i now i'm talking to much looool but this is happen to me and don't forget the Douaa..it's great for every thing in my life and our life.see you soon :D
so,busy these days,i tell you the secret next time inshalla when i have enough to write.
the lesson from this..don't give up,sometimes things come to you in the last hope and faith you have..keep running to achieve your goals..don't surrender.
i now i'm talking to much looool but this is happen to me and don't forget the Douaa..it's great for every thing in my life and our life.see you soon :D
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