Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My paint

I spend the past few days painting a picture, I learned this painting from Bob Ross artist video on you tube site.

My frits painting was when i was in high school, it was simple and randomly but after the video I noticed a huge differentsis in my paint

This my paint in high school

And this is now (with flash)

without flash


Anonymous said...

ما شاء الله روعة تسلم ايدك :) مرة مرة حلوة

real madrid

Rosy pink said...

Woo hoo... mashallah mashallah.. very good, excellent work, very professional looking, keep on doing more :)

Anonymous said...

حررركتات والله يا اختي
ماشاء الله في تطور واضح في طريقة الرسم
كملي كمان وكمان
تسلم ايدك