The second lesoon
This is the second lesson for the kids,
this time was my turn.i
made for them some watches and i
broght some accessories .
this is when they work
and when they finished
All the kids had fun accpet Aboody he was mad about the lessons becuse he was in bad mood ,
but in my lesson he was happy of corse becuse it was fun not serios
عاد كلو ولا مزاجات العبودي
بس كأنو عدد الاطفال قل
ترى اتحمست انا كمان
اظن لو اني معاكم كان حجزتلي كرسي
يعطيكم العافية
very nice watches mashallah it's a good idea and they seem to have fun with it. good job
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