My first chiled Azooz got sick,he couldn't opened his eyes because it'spainfull. he was confused and he didn't want to open good other eye,we got eye drops for hem from the pharmacy but didn't work so,today his father took hem to the hospital and got a new midcen for hem.wish hem to get will soon
salamat 3azoozi la bas 3aleeh.
والله الف سلامة على عزوزي مايشوف شر ان شاء الله
ياحليلهم البزورة لما يمرضوا يتدلعوا ويطلبوا المستحيلات كلها عشان عارفين انو طلباتهم مجابة خخخ
يلا الله يقومه بالسلامة يارب
سلامات على عزوز ما يشوف شر ان شا الله
ام القماري
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