Monday, June 4, 2007

كل ٍله الله..محد يموت يا صاحبي قبل يومه

ما أقسى الشعور بالوحده بالرغم من وجود الكثيرين من حولك وماأصعب أن يكون الإنسان الوحيد الذي يفهمك بعيد عنك
رغم البعد والشتات
والوحده والمعاناة
سنظل أخوات


Redrose said...

you're absolutely right.....but the problem is if even your nearest relatives don't understand you that is more lonely....right?!

Rosy pink said...

What more lonely is finding yourself not understanding yourself.. So how can anyone else understands you.. we are all lonely in our own way in this life.. but still we can count on each other for moral support.